Schumacher Electric DSR ProSeries 330-Amp 6-Volt/12-Volt/24-Volt Wheeled Power Supply, Battery Charger, and Engine Starter
Vendor : Schumacher Electric
- SKU:
- 305960169
- short description:
- Item Number:
- DSR124

Designed for professional mechanics, Schumacher’s DSR ProSeries Line of wheeled battery chargers provides an array of superior-quality battery chargers with the power and features pros want. Experienced mechanics know that a powerful wheeled battery charger and engine starter is essential equipment and that DSR ProSeries chargers can’t be beat. The DSR ProSeries 330-Amp 6-Volt/12-Volt/24-Volt Wheeled Power Supply, Battery Charger, and Engine Starter (DSR124) features 300 cranking amps (6-volt), 330 cranking amps (12-volt) engine start, 250 cranking amps (24-volt) engine start, 30amp-80amp boost, 15-amp fast charge, and 4-amp maintain modes. In addition, the DSR124 features a 70-amp/100-amp flash reprogram mode and a memory saver function. Fully automatic and microprocessor controlled, the DSR124 features multi-stage charging, float mode monitoring, and reverse hook-up protection. Another stand-out feature of the unit is its superior durability and construction including a heavy-duty internal transformer, rugged steel case, solid wheels, brawny copper clamps, thick 4-guage output cables, and a sturdy, retractable handle.|200 Amp engine start high amperage for cranking an engine with a weak or run-down battery|Timer controlled or continuous operation|Easy-to-read, color coded meters|2-1/4-hour timer|Voltmeter for battery testing|Heavy-duty transformer|Temperature overload protection|6 ft. power cored and output cables for a total reach of 12 ft.|Heavy-duty clamps for a solid connection