Black Flag 1 Gal. Flea and Tick Ready-to-Use Sprayer
Vendor : United Industries Corporation
- SKU:
- 3576546
- short description:
- Item Number:
- Hg-11093-1
Insects invading your corner of the world. Whatever insect you're fighting, Black Flag products are dedicated to providing the tools you need to regain control. With formulas that act fast and never back down, Black Flag insect controls have been arming homeowners in the battle against invading bugs for more years than any other brand. Black Flag Flea and Tick Spray Plus Growth Regulator Home Treatment kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and ticks indoors. Use it on carpets, upholstery, rugs and hard-to-reach places like baseboards and moldings. This formula contains Nylar insect growth regulator to break the flea life cycle by preventing fleas from developing into biting adults for up to 7-months. It also controls carpet beetles and dust mites. When used as directed, this product will not stain furnishings or carpeting. Inspect the treatment area for fleas 2-weeks after the initial treatment and reapply if necessary. If ticks are present, spray directly to kill. For long-term flea control, apply 1 Gal. per 750 sq. ft. Use as part of a comprehensive flea and tick treatment plan that includes coordinated treatment of the home, yard and pet. Treatment and prevention work together, so it's key to treat all 3 areas simultaneously. This integrated pest management approach involves inspection, cleaning and targeting eggs, larvae and adults with the appropriate insecticides. Follow-up treatments are almost always necessary.|Home flea treatment: ideal for carpets, upholstery, rugs, baseboards and moldings|Kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and ticks: use as part of a comprehensive flea and tick treatment program - also kills carpet beetles and dust mites|Contains nylar: insect growth regulator breaks the flea cycle - prevents fleas from developing into biting adults for up to 7-months|For long-term flea control: apply 1 Gal. per 750 sq. ft.|Guaranteed: guaranteed to work or your money back - see product label for details|Product is applicable for the following pest types: ants, carpet beetles, crickets, fleas, silverfish, spiders, ticks